
推薦輔導班型:2014年自考保過班全新上線 不過免費重修|2014年自考英語簽約保過套餐熱招
9. basically adv. 基本上;從根本上說,大致說來
basic adj. 基礎的,根本的;初步的;主要的
base n. 基礎,根據;基地 v. 把…基于
My work is basically to train students' ability in reading and writing.(從根本上說,我的工作是訓練學生的讀、寫能力。)
There are basically two types of families: nuclear families and extended families.(大致說來,有兩類家庭:核心家庭和大家庭。)
The basic theme of these stories is more or less the same. (這些故事的主題大致相同。)
They are trying to solve the basic economic problems. (他們正試圖解決那些基本的經濟問題。)
What is your basic aim in life? (你基本的生活目標是什么?)
The base of his argument is that our after service is not very satisfactory.(他的論據是我們的售后服務不十分令人滿意。)
The weary soldiers marched back to their base. (疲憊不堪的士兵們列隊返回基地。)
We should base our opinions on facts. (我們的觀點應該基于事實的基礎之上。)
This film is based on the life story of a general. (這部影片是根據一位將軍的生平改編的。)
10.nuclear adj. 核子的,核能的;中心的
Mao Zetong used to say that under no circumstances would China be the first to use nuclear weapons.(毛澤東曾經說過在任何情況下,中國都不會第一個使用核武器。)
Greece was once a nuclear civilization of the world. (希臘一度是世界文明的中心。)
a nuclear explosion 核爆炸 nuclear electricity 核電力
a nuclear power plant 核電站 nuclear technology 核技術
the nuclear age 核時代 nuclear monopoly 核壟斷
nuclear waste 核廢料 a nuclear nation 擁有核武器的國家
nuclear bomb 核彈 nuclear disarmament 核裁軍
nuclear family 核心家庭 nuclear-free zone 無核區(qū)
nuclear fuel 核燃料 nuclear reactor 核反應堆
11. nucleus n. 核,核心,中心;起點,開始
These young people formed the nucleus of the internet bar. (這些年輕人成了網吧的核心。)
The strange behavior of the absent-minded professor became the nucleus of all the stories.(“心不在焉”教授的奇異舉止成為所有故事的中心內容。)
12. agricultural adj. 農業(yè)的
agriculture n. 農業(yè)
More and more modern agricultural methods are used in that village.(在那個村子里,人們越來越多地使用現代農業(yè)方法。)
The agricultural production is on the rise this year. (今年的農業(yè)生產呈上升態(tài)勢。)
His solution greatly improved the agriculture in this area. (他的方法極大地推動了這一地區(qū)的農業(yè)發(fā)展。)
13. industrial adj. 工業(yè)的,產業(yè)的
industrialize v. (使)工業(yè)化
The industrial output of this city doubled last year. (去年這個城市的工業(yè)產量增加了一倍。)
The Industrial Revolution influenced the whole world. (工業(yè)革命影響了全世界。)
The country has been steadily industrializing. (這個國家一直在穩(wěn)步實現工業(yè)化。)
14. post-industrial adj. 后工業(yè)化的
post- 是一個前綴,表示“后”:如:
post-war policies 戰(zhàn)后政策
postdoctoral 博士后的
postgraduate courses 研究生課程
post-harvest storage 收后貯藏
postimpressionism 后印象主義
15.earner n. 賺錢者;獲得收入者
earnings n. 掙得的財物;收入,利潤
earn v. 掙得,獲得
How many earners are there in your family? (你們家?guī)讉€人掙錢?)
Father is not the only earner in the family. (父親不是家里唯一掙錢的人。)
What are you going to do with your earnings? (掙來的錢你打算干什么用?)
He earns 40 dollars a day. (他每天掙四十美元。)
How did he make his living? (他靠什么謀生?)
His brave act won him the name of a hero. (他的英勇行為使他得到了英雄的名聲。)
16. split v. 撕裂;分開;使分裂;分擔 n. 分裂,裂口
He is splitting the firewood with an axe. (他正用斧子劈木柴。)
They split the cost of the party between them. (他們兩人分擔了宴會的費用。)
They split up after years of marriage. (他們倆結婚多年之后分開了。)
She split with her boyfriend last week. (上個星期她與她的男友絕交了。)
Mother mended a split in my trousers. (媽媽縫好了我褲子上的一條裂縫。)
split-hair 極其精確的;過分瑣細的
split second 一剎那
split-level 錯層式的
split personality 分裂人格
17. divorce v. 離婚;與…離婚 n. 離婚
The child's parents divorced last month. (這孩子父母上個月離了婚。)
He divorced his wife. (他同妻子離了婚。)
I don't think it is possible to divorce sports from politics. (我認為把體育與政治分離開來是不可能的。)
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