
Thank you for your order no.458 for tin plate
sheets which we received today.We regret that,
owing to a shortage of stock, we are unable to
fill your order.Moreover, our manufacturers
cannot undertake to entertain your order for
future delivery owing to the uncertain availability
of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by
telex once supply improves.In the meantime, please
feel free to send us your specificenquiries for
other types of metal sheets. You can assured of
our best attention at all times.
今天收到貴公司4 5 8號鍍錫板的定單。因為存貨短缺,未能供應(yīng)貴公司所需貨品,特此致歉。此外,制造商尚未確定原料供應(yīng)量是否充足,所以不能接受其他定單。一旦供應(yīng)情況改善,我們將電傳通知貴公司。若貴公司需要其他金屬薄板型號的資料,我們樂意隨時效勞.
We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue
Seas and are pleased to inform you that we
find the goods quite satisfactory.Since we
believe we can sell additional quantities it
this market, we wish to place with you a repeat
order for 500 dozens of the same style and sizes.
We would be grateful if you could arrange early
shipment of this repeat order at we are in urgent
need of the goods.If the goods are not available
from stock, we would be grateful ifyou could
advise us, with full particulars of the
specifications, of replacement goods which
can be whipped from stock.
We are pleased to acknowledge your letter of 6
March informing us that you are satisfied with
our ladies tights shipped to you per SS Blue Seas.
We also note that you wish to place a repeat order.
We regret that we cannot at present entertain any
new orders for Baletto ladies'' tights owing to
heavy orders.We are, however, keeping your order
before us. As soon as we are in a position to
accept new orders, we will contact you by telex.
With regard to stock lines, we are enclosing a
list for yourinformation. Should you be interested
in any of these, please let us know your requirements,
stating quantity, style and sizes.
Thank you for your letter of 20 May concerning
your specialrequest.From time to time we do run
special jobs, changing materials and colors for
one particular order. But we have to consider
many factors before we can accept the order.I
have spoken to our production manager, and she
has done the costings. I am sorry to report that
even if we did the job for you at cost, it would
come out well above the price you are willing to
pay.I am checking with other manufacturers in the
area who are working with the materials you want.
They may be able to give you the quality you desire
at a fair price. I will get back to you in a few
days.We appreciate your business and I am glad you
asked us about this job .The next time you have a
special need, please ask again. We will try our
best to do the job for you .If we cannot, we will
attempt to find the best company that can.
?2009年物流師網(wǎng)上輔導(dǎo) 現(xiàn)報名免費獲贈08年課程
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