
1. denim 牛仔布
The hard-wearing cotton twill fabric, usually blue and often used for jeans, is pretty straightforward about its origins; denim comes from Nîmes, France. More fully, the fabric was known as ‘serge de Nîmes’, serge referring to a durable twilled woolen or worsted fabric.
這種耐磨的棉質斜紋布織物,通常是藍色的,用來做牛仔褲,名字來源也夠直截了當。牛仔布一詞來自法國尼姆。說全面些,這種織物即所謂的“serge de Nîmes (尼姆粗縫毛邊)”,serge指的是經久耐磨的斜紋布羊毛或是精紡織物。
2. muslin 平紋細布
The name for this lightweight cotton cloth of a plain weave comes from the Italian word mussolina, which itself comes from Mussolo, or Mosul, the city in Iraq where this type of cloth was first manufactured.
3. tweed 粗花呢
The term tweed, referring to ‘a rough-surfaced woolen cloth, typically of mixed flecked colors’, emerged thanks to an accidental misreading. Although the circumstances are not clear, the term tweed seems to have come about from an accidental misreading of tweel, a Scots form of twill, or a misunderstanding of an abbreviated tweeled. The adoption of the term was probably helped by association with the River Tweed in the United Kingdom.
Tweed(粗花呢)這一術語指的是種“表面粗糙的羊毛布料,通常含各種星星點點的混色”。粗花呢的出現源于一次偶然的誤讀。盡管情況并不清晰明了,有說tweed這個術語是因為偶然間誤讀了tweel這個詞(蘇格蘭語twill), 也有一說是tweeled這個詞的縮寫為人們所誤解。采用這個術語多少是因為和英國特威德河(River Tweed)聯系在了一起。
4. tuxedo 燕尾服
This specific style of dinner jacket first appeared in the late 19th century, in the small village of Tuxedo Park, New York, located just outside New York City.
5. balaclava 巴拉克拉法帽
The balaclava, a ‘woolen covering for the head and neck worn especially by soldiers on active service’, was named after the Crimean village of Balaclava near Sebastopol, the site of the Crimean War battle commonly known as the Battle of Balaclava.
6. cardigan 開襟羊毛衫
History buffs and poetry fans may recognize the Battle of Balaclava as the setting for the ill-fated Charge of the Light Brigade, immortalized in poem form by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The man leading that charge was James Thomas Brudenell, the 7th Earl of Cardigan. You read that right: the same man who helped popularize cardigans, ‘a knitted sweater fastening down the front’, also led the Light Brigade in the Battle of Balaclava.
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