
為了讓考生在備考的同時也能準確的得知2022年考試報名等信息,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校提供 免費預(yù)約短信提醒服務(wù),屆時會及時通知大家2022年上半年公共英語考試報名時間、考試時間等!編輯推薦:2022年上半年公共英語二級備考試題及答案匯總。
Tina:What are you reading, Chris?
Chris:A report about a recent Harris poll. They asked people in different countries how they spend their spare time.
Tina:Sounds interesting. But I spend so much time working that I don' t have much time.left for leisure activities.
Chris: Exactly. The report says the average working hours for Americans is 50 hours a week.
Tina: And we also have to sleep, eat, and take care of our families.
Chris: Still, having time to relax and pursue your hobbies is important.
Tina: Yeah, I agree. So what do people do in their free time?
Chris: Americans read the most in their spare time.
Tina: Yeah, you can often see people with books on the subway or while waiting for the bus.
Chris: The NO. 2 popular activity is watching TV.
Tina: I totally understand that. Don' t you just want to sit there and let go of all complicated thoughts?
Chris: Right. People in the U. K. also ranked watching TV and videos as their favorite spare time activity. The next thing they love is listening to the radio.
Tina: Oh, the British. They love their radios.
Chris: And they love their pubs, too. Their favorite outdoor activity is going to the pub.
A recent Harris poll studied how people in different countries spend their free time.Many people don’t have much time for leisure activities because in average,the Americans spend 50 hours a week working.And after that, they love reading the most,and also spend time watching TV.People in the U.K.spend most of their free time watching TV and listening to the radi0. They also like to go to the pub in their spare time.
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