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Motivating Professional Employees
Your company is going to carry out an inventive program to motivate professional employees. You have been asked to make recommendations about this. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
l What are your opinions of promoting professional employees
l How to motivate professional employees
l 你們對晉升專業(yè)人才有何看法
l 如何激勵專業(yè)人才
A: You see, engineers in our company play an important role. Like other salaried workers, they also need to be motivated to perform to their full capacity. So we are going to carry out an incentive program to motivate professional employees. Up to now many people suggest promotion. What’s your opinion?
B: Promotion is a traditional incentive and widely used to motivate professional employees. Normally when an engineer made a great achievement, he/she would be promoted to be a senior administrator.
A: But you know some problems may occur. When taking an administrative assignment, the engineer can no longer fully concentrate on his/her professional field. In the process, the organization may lose a good engineer and gain a poor administrator.
B: That’s unfortunate, isn’t it? Don’t worry! There is a way out.
A: What is it?
B: A double-track wage system! While offering promotion, we can introduce the double-track wage system.
A: What do you mean by double-track wage system?
B: Let me explain it in this way. If the professionals who are not interested in management and do not aspire to become administrators, then it’s OK, they will remain in their former job. To reward them, they will be offered the comparable sum of salary instead.
A: Good idea! Besides the double-track system, we may try performance-based incentive programs.
B: For instance?
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