1 Havefaithin yourself. (相信自己。)
2Respectyour parents. (尊敬父母。)
3 Be honest. (要誠實。)
4. Take responsibility for your own life. (對自己負(fù)責(zé)。)
5 Live life to be full and bepassionate. (要活得充實,活得有激情。)
6 Keep your promises. (信守承諾。)
7 Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others. (在不損害他人利益的前提下為成功艱苦奮斗。)
8 Betolerantof others' differences. (海納百川,有容乃大。)
9 Be happy and optimistic, even in adversity. (逆境中更要樂觀向上。)
10 Create, don't destroy. (要創(chuàng)造,不要搞破壞。)