When you're speeding and get pulled over, there's not much youcan do to avoid a ticket. You might as well say something funny tomake the officer laugh. One classic excuse is, "Sorry officer, Igot here as fast as I could."
Keep reading to check out more of the most hilariousand ridiculous speeding ticket excuses ever!
Divorce 趕著去離婚
"I'm late to a divorce proceeding, and if you met my wifeyou'd know why I was in such a hurry."
Back to the Past 穿越到古代
"I was trying to get up to 88 miles per hour so I could goback in time to 1957."
Dad Knows Best 老爸最懂行了
"My dad told me that I wouldn't get pulled over as long as Ididn't go more than 10 over the speed limit."
Pole Position 賽車手迷路了
"I don't know what happened. I was leading in the Indianapolis500, but I think I must have taken a wrong turn!"
Officer Hottie 搭訕美女警察
"I thought you were cute, and this was the easiest way I couldfigure out how to ask you out on a date."
Need for Speed 需要測試汽車到底能跑多快
"I just bought this car and I wanted to test how fast it couldgo."
Sugary Mess 冰淇淋快化啦
"I'm sorry officer, but I just bought ice cream and I didn'twant it to melt!"
Air Dry 兜風晾車
"The dryer at the car wash was broken, so I was just trying toblow-dry the car manually."
Blind Spot 沒戴眼鏡看不到速度表
"I'm sorry for speeding, but without my glasses I can't hardlysee the speedometer."
Drag Race 我以為你在跟我賽車
"Sorry officer, I thought you wanted to race!"