來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-01-09 10:15:39 頻道: 新概念

Here are five steps to complaining about a co-worker that will help you get the results you want – without looking like a problem yourself。


1. First, ask yourself how your complaint impacts your work. For instance, your co-worker isn’t pulling her weight on a shared project. The impact on you might be that you’re unable to complete the pieces you’re responsible for on time because of her delays. Or if your co-worker frequently shows up late, the impact on you might be that you have to cover the phones until she arrives, which means that you’re not able to focus on your own more urgent work during that time。

1. 第一步:問問自己這些不滿是如何影響到自己工作的。例如,你的同事沒有把她的重心放在工作上。那么對你的影響可能是:由于她的延誤,你也無法按時完成自己負責的工作�;蛘呷绻愕耐麻L期遲到,那么對你的影響是:在她來之前,你不得不接電話,這也就意味著在那段時間,你無法專心于自己手頭上更加緊急的工作。

But sometimes when you ask yourself this question, you might realize that your complaint isn’t actually impacting your work or the organization’s work; it’s just annoying. If that’s the case, it’s generally a sign not to involve your boss. Not every problem rises to the level of something that you should take to your manager。


2. Next, ask yourself whether you’ve attempted to resolve the problem on your own already. This is important because when you approach your boss about a problem with a co-worker, a good manager is likely to ask what you’ve tried to do to address it. If you haven’t tried to resolve it yourself, your manager might still intervene, but is likely to wonder why you haven’t tried resolving it on your own first。


That means that you should try to address the problem directly with your co-worker first, if at all possible。


3.Pick the right time to talk to your boss. Don’t take your complaint to your boss when she’s running between meetings, about to get on a call, rushing to leave for the day or otherwise busy. Choose a moment when she’s not harried and has some time to talk to you。

3. 選擇合適的時間和老板談。別在老板開會、接電話、著急離開或有其他急事的時候投訴同事。找她聊的時候,選一個她不太著急或閑下來的時候。

4. Be calm and concise. Don’t unleash a long tirade about what you don’t like about your co-worker. You’ll be far more credible if you concisely state the problem in broad terms and its impact on you, ideally in no more than three to five sentences. For instance, you might say: “I’m having trouble getting client deliverables from Jane in a timely manner, which is leaving me without answers for clients who are waiting on them. I’ve talked to her about this a few times, but the problem is continuing。” That’s a sufficient summary of the problem; you don’t need to also go into detail about how aggravated you are and how you didn’t like Jane’s tone when you asked her about a project last week。

4. 冷靜,表達簡潔。不要長篇大論的抱怨自己如何不喜歡這個同事。簡短的概括產(chǎn)生的問題以及對你的影響,3到5句話最好,這樣你的投訴會更可信。例如,你可以說:“Jane總是無法準時將客戶的交付成果給我。我已經(jīng)和她談過幾次了,但是她還是沒改。”這就是對問題的充分總結(jié),沒有必要精確的表達自己如何生氣。也沒必要說,你如何討厭上個星期Jane和你討論項目時的說話語氣。

5. Ask for your boss’s advice. Rather than simply dumping a complaint in your boss’s lap, try asking for her input and advice about the problem. For instance: “I want to make sure we’re being responsive to clients and not missing deadlines. Do you have any advice about how I could approach this?” Framing the concern this way signals “here’s a problem I’d like your help in solving,” rather than “I want to get my co-worker in trouble。”

5. 詢問老板的意見。與其向老板抱怨,不如問問她的想法和建議。例如:“我想要和我們的客戶隨時保持聯(lián)系,按時完成任務,您對此有什么建議嗎?”這樣一來,傳達的意思就變成了:“這有個問題,我希望尋求你的幫助,而不是找同事的麻煩。”
