In summer, kitchen exhausts can contribute to 15 to 20 percent of the PM2.5 pollutants in downtown Beijing, according to 2012 research by Wang Yuesi of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. That makes kitchen exhausts the third-largest source of air pollution, after vehicles and pollutants drifting from neighboring areas。
未在室外安裝exhaust purification equipment(排氣凈化設備)的餐館將被禁止做燒烤。據(jù)報道,在收到的對空氣質量的投訴中,路邊餐館的油煙是最多人抱怨的,其次是car exhausts(車輛尾氣)、industrial-waste gas(工業(yè)廢氣)、dust from construction sites(來自建筑工地的塵土)和dust from coal-fired boilers(燃煤鍋爐產生的煙塵)。
新治理方案出臺后,許多往日紅火的roadside barbecues(路邊燒烤攤)將不復存在,因為年底前將禁止市中心區(qū)域出現(xiàn)露天燒烤攤。根據(jù)上個月出臺的clean-air action plan(清潔空氣行動計劃),餐館都必須安裝高效能的exhaust hoods and facilities(排氣罩和排氣設施)。