The sails have been stowed on the next "Pirates of the Caribbean" sequel!都永毡群1I》下一部續(xù)集的籌拍計劃已經(jīng)提上日程。
Disney has pushed back the release date for the fifth installment in the franchise that has grossed $3.7 billion worldwide from it's original July 10, 2015 date. 迪士尼公司推遲了第五部的發(fā)行日期,表示影片將于2015年7月10日上映。現(xiàn)已在全球總共賺得37億美元的特許權費。
Plagued by script delays, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales", which returns Johnny Depp to his signature role as Captain Sparrow, is now adrift without an ETA on when filming could begin。因劇本延誤而受阻,《加勒比海盜5:死無對證》現(xiàn)在還不能預計開拍的時間。約翰尼·德普飾演的標志性角色杰克·斯帕羅船長屆時將強勢回歸。