來源: 環(huán)球網校 2020-03-12 09:07:09 頻道: 新概念

The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons spoke about his 'regular life' and 'boring love' for longtime boyfriend Todd Spiewak at the GLESN Respect Awards in Beverly Hills on Friday。

當紅美劇《生活大爆炸》明星吉姆·帕森斯攜男友托德·斯皮瓦克出席在洛杉磯比弗利山莊舉辦的同性戀保護組織GLSEN第9屆頒獎典禮, 暢談與男友多年來“瑣碎日常的感情和生活”。

The actor, 40, who has been with Mr Spiewak, an art director, for over a decade, said he was 'honored' to receive the Inspiration Award from the LGBT youth support network, but explained that his relationship is driven by love, not activism。


'I've never considered myself an activist,' he told the assembled crowd in a candid acceptance speech. 'I've never considered my relationship with Todd to be an act of activism。


'Rather simply, it's an act of love, coffee in the morning, going to work, washing the clothes, taking the dogs [out]—a regular life, boring love.'


To guests at the event, however, the couple's love seemed anything but boring。


'Jim and Todd are very cute together,' an onlooker told Us Weekly. 'When Jim [was] talking, Todd [was] looking at him the entire time with a big proud grin on his face.'


But Mr Parsons remained humble in an interview with the title later, insisting that their life is 'very average... very normal.'


'It was surprising to hear that we were getting an inspiration award,' he said. 'We feel very average, we feel very normal. We really do. The strange stuff is the Hollywood stuff we have to walk through, not the gay stuff we have to walk through.'

“聽說我們獲得了 ‘鼓舞獎’ 我們感到很驚喜”,他說,“我們認為自己非常大眾,非常普通。我們一向如此。我們作為演員在演藝圈的路程是不尋常的,而我們作為同性戀者在生活中的旅程卻是很普通的。”

Of the award, he said: 'It's very moving. It's very surprising and I think once we got over the shock of it, we were able to feel the honor of it.'

